We love to travel and love to experience new cultures, meet new people and get to know new countries. It often occurs that when we get back from lounger journeys we realize that our points of view on different subjects have changed and we see things in a different light.
We have gone through some rough times together and we both agree that the eternal quest for more and more isn’t what we always need and want. We do want to create memories for ourselves and are getting happier with those memories.
We do see our work as weeing photographers the same way. We want to create lasting memories for our couples and want to capture their day in pictures.
One of the bad things of being a photographer is that you can never travel without all your gear (you just can’t J ). Manuela has often said: “I wish we could only take one little camera.” Only to come to the conclusion a little later after taking a few shots : ”Ok I agree it’s good that we brought everything.”
Often we can work and travel at the same time. When we do have engagement shoots or shoot a wedding on different spots of the world. We call this working honeymoon. We do loooove our work – needless to say.
While surfing the net we found a great site: www.fernwehosophy.com. A wonderful platform on which professional photographers are showing individual Travel logs with awesome pictures.
We are super proud to be on there as well with our latest journey to the Côte d’ Azur.
So, see you soon

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